Stellenbosch has 4 Libertas stories
Oude Libertas is a well-known amphitheater with a popular slow market.
Klein Libertas is a theater complex that recently burnt down.
Libertas Street is located in the neighbourhood of Karindal.
Libertas Parva is a series of historic buildings in Dorp Street.
Interesting facts about each:
Oude Libertas
Oude Libertas was one of the very first farms in Stellenbosch.
The first owner of the farm was a certain Jan Bombam, who acquired the land on November 23, 1689 (4 years after Stellenbosch officially became a town). The farm covered 44 morgen of land, about 37 hectares in today's terms.
His successor Hans Jurgen Grimpe acquired the farm in 1692, and was one of the four men chosen to serve on the first 'heemraad' (heemraad = 'Home council'). The other 3 was Gerhard vd Bijl, Henning Husing and Hendrik Elberts).
Stellenbosch's first bridge was built on the old Libertas farm. The heemraad identified a place on Grimpe's farm at the intersection of the Eerste River and Dwarsrivier, and erected the first public bridge there (the "plankenbrug").
Adam Tas also owned and lived on Libertas farm (after marrying Grimpe's widow). According to legend, the word 'Libertas' had a special meaning for him as it suggested a 'word play' on his imprisonment. Tas + Liberty = LiberTas.
Tassenberg wine is one of the most famous wine products produced in the cellars opposite Oude Libertas, at Distell.
Klein Libertas
Over the years Klein Libertas theater has played a tremendous role in the community and become an established cultural center.
On June 13, 2015, the whole theater was destroyed in a fire. Visit their website for more info.
Libertas Parva

Stellenbosch drie Eeue (1979)
www.stellenboschheritage.co.za http://www.stellenboschheritage.co.za/wp-content/uploads/Stellenbosch-Conservation-Strategy_Part_2.pdf